Gedenktafel für John Williams of Tyneham Esq. (+1627) und seine Frau Jane (+1636) in der ebenfalls erhalten gebliebenen Dorfkirche von Tyneham. Die Tafel beschreibt die Genealogie der Familie wie folgt:
Her under relieth ye body of John Williams of Tyneham, Esquire, sonne onto Henry Williams, Esq. who lieth here interred & died Ao 1589, et aetatis fuae 76 as also ye body of Jane his wife who was sole daughter of Sir John Brune of Rowner in ye county of South'ton, Knt. John Williams before mentioned died Ao 1627 et aetatis fuae 86. Jane his wife died Ao 1636, et aetatis fuae 85, and left behinde her 4 sonnes & 3 daughters, of which James Brune Williams, Esquire lately deceased was the eldest, and father unto James Williams Esquire (now living) who out of a duetifull respect unto his predecessors before mentioned erected this memeoriall Anno Domini 1641.
Henry Williams above named was son unto John Williams of Herringston, Esquire, who departed this life Ao Don. 1549.

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