St Mary the Virgin, Goudhurst:
Epitaph für William Campion (+1615) und seine Frau Rachel (+1606). Die Inschrift lautet:
Within this grave lies Virtue's Paragon. Virtue entombed? My cheek is wet with tears.
I err, the body's here, the soul has gone by Angel hands new raised, above the spheres.
Twin unions here - the body claimed by Death. But to himself, God joins the purer breath.
Thou hast been ever radiant, joyous, gay; on Earth a Star, in Heaven a burning Light;
In Life thy presence brought the spring of day, In death thy spirit brightens shades of night.
Death in his dark jaws holds thee thus confined, he only holds what is by right assigned.
The vision of thy manhood still survives. And it will live when death no longer lives.
Here lies the wife, nine years kept her away. And Death unites you in a single day.
They meet again - such power good life can claim,
In life alike, in death they are the same ...

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